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Eingefärbt Bilder ❘ Science Photo Library
11854195 - Artificial shoulder,X-ray
11854182 - Prosthetic knee joint,X-ray
11854178 - Failed total hip replacement,X-ray
11849941 - Blood clot,angiogram
11845955 - Scoliosis,X-ray
11845054 - Fractured spine,3D CT scan
11843623 - Healing skin ulcer,light micrograph
11841628 - Osteoporotic bone,SEM
11841121 - Multi-system atrophy,MRI scan
11840760 - Urethral stent,X-ray
11838079 - Bone cancer,MRI
11837460 - Tumour,SEM
11835929 - Capillary in breast cancer
11835320 - Osteoarthritis of the neck,X-ray
11835254 - Arthritic knee
11835244 - Diseased spine,X-ray
11834049 - Influenzavirus B,TEM
11834039 - Influenzavirus B,TEM
11833741 - Herpes virus particles,TEM
11833479 - Measles virus,TEM
11825739 - Kettle,thermogram
11825697 - Heater,thermogram
11821889 - Filter paper,SEM
11821474 - Rough endoplasmic reticulum,TEM
11821192 - Embryonic stem cells,SEM
11821094 - Human embryonic stem cells,SEM
11805098 - Lymphoma cancer cell,SEM
11738498 - Forest fires,Portugal,2003
11647268 - Flower pistils,SEM
11647221 - Trachea lining,SEM
11647107 - Red blood cells,SEM
11647103 - Moth antenna,SEM
11631945 - Trachea lining,SEM
11631944 - Trachea lining,SEM
11619589 - Toy present,X-ray
11619507 - Goldfish in a fishbowl,X-ray
11610752 - Primate ear canal,SEM
11610749 - Primate finger bone,SEM
11604608 - Butterfly wing scales,SEM
11604604 - Butterfly wing scales,SEM
11604598 - Butterfly wing scale,SEM
11602597 - Human chromosome 16,SEM
11598747 - Diatom,SEM
11598733 - Diatom frustule,SEM
11593665 - Christmas crackers,X-ray
11590612 - Cell infected with HIV,SEM
11570900 - Jellyfish larva,SEM
11570892 - Gecko scale hairs,SEM
11570886 - Gecko retina,SEM
11561289 - Purple moor grass stem,light micrograph
11558145 - Lily pollen,SEM
11558081 - Testis blood vessels,SEM
11557718 - Smallpox virus particle,TEM
11557572 - Mumps virus,TEM
11557431 - Ebola virus particles,TEM
11557154 - Vaginal lining,SEM
11557144 - Spiny spider,SEM
11557135 - Ovarian follicle,TEM
11556723 - Diatom,SEM
11553964 - Scanning electron microscope,SEM
11551889 - Clostridium difficile bacteria,TEM
11551048 - Saturn's moon Iapetus,Cassini image
11550568 - Fruit fly larvae,SEM
11550541 - Migrating cancer cells,SEM
11549319 - Herpes virus particles,TEM
11539954 - Euphorbia seeds,SEM
11539948 - Creeping zinnia seed,SEM
11539537 - Cherry blossom pollen,SEM
11539411 - Melon pollen,SEM
11539385 - Pollination
11539066 - Anther surface,SEM
11538877 - Comfrey flower petal,SEM
11537847 - Globe thistles,X-ray
11537846 - Poppies,X-ray
11537291 - Conifer needle,SEM
11526889 - Diatom,SEM
11526855 - Diatom,SEM
11526848 - Diatom,SEM
11526812 - Diatom,SEM
11525703 - Bread mould
11525055 - Root nodule
11524910 - MRSA bacteria,SEM
11524903 - MRSA bacteria,TEM
11524396 - Tuberculosis vaccine bacteria,SEM
11524370 - Helicobacter pylori bacterium,TEM
11523603 - Tobacco plant protoplast,SEM
11523601 - Tobacco plant protoplasts,SEM
11521924 - Cocaine crystals,SEM
11519653 - Bouncing ball
14113210 - Diatoms, SEM
12528689 - Zecke 100x - Zecke auf menschlicher Haut
12528187 - Thrombozyten 3900x - Thrombozyten 3900-1
12527987 - Vaccinia-Virus
12526784 - Pollen der Nachtkerze 300:1
12526569 - Endothel Aorta 1200x - Endothel der Aorta 1200-1
12526474 - Morpho peleides 9kx - Schmetterlinge, Schuppen des Morpho peleides, 9000-1
12526191 - Zunge 110x - Zunge, Oberfläche 110-1
12526153 - Roggen 250x - Getreide, Roggen 250-1
12526146 - Reis 1000x - Nahriungsmittel, Reis 1000-1
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