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Wildblume Bilder ❘ Science Photo Library
11544637 - Meadow vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis)
11543816 - Gentianella campestris baltica
11543707 - Cranesbill (Geranium molle)
11543186 - Rocket (Eruca vesicaria sativa)
11542716 - Coralroot (Cardamine bulbifera)
11542603 - Ivy-leaved Toadflax
11542303 - Rampion (Campanula rapunculus)
11542229 - Spreading bellflower (Campanula patula)
11541392 - Wild angelica (Angelica sylvestris)
11541208 - Allium carinatum ssp. pulchellum
11536034 - Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
11535857 - Flatbud pricklypoppy (Argemone munita)
11534850 - Flower of the evening primrose
11533375 - King's Spear (Asphodeline lutea)
11532926 - Canary giant fennel flowers
11532756 - Tufted vetch flowers (Vicia cracca)
11532096 - Stitchwort flower
11531588 - Eriophorum angustifolium
11531149 - Crocus neapolitanus
11530201 - Bog asphodel flower
11530100 - Goat's beard (Tragopogon pratensis)
11529135 - Bromeliad plant with orchid
11529116 - Early spider orchid (Ophrys sphegodes)
11529007 - Orchid (Satyrium nepalense)
11528970 - Orchis sambucina
11528723 - Naked man orchid (Orchis italica)
11528644 - Grass orchid
11527934 - Poppy (Papaver sp.) flowers
11527815 - Wild flowers
11527786 - Red poppies in wheat field
14179960 - Silver sea-holly (Eryngium spinalba) in flower
14179948 - Lice-bane (Staphisagria macrosperma) in flower
14179939 - Field of Pheasant's-eye daffodils (Narcissus poeticus)
14179936 - Summer snowflake (Leucojum aestivum ssp. pulchellum)
14179919 - Spineless butcher's-broom (Ruscus hypoglossum) in flower
12075046 - Orange Sulfur Butterfly
12058410 - Blooming California Desert
12028774 - Arrowleaf Balsamroot
12026840 - Pretty Shooting Star Flower in Bloom
12024413 - Swamp rose mallow
12021784 - Parrot's Beak
12021780 - Richardson's Geranium
12021541 - Coral bean flower
12015826 - Mexican Hat flowers
12008625 - Large flowered Trillium
11999596 - Whipple Yucca
11999579 - Large Flowered Bellwort
11999547 - Royal Catchfly (Silene regia)
11999385 - Fringed Gentian
11999349 - Shooting Star (Dodecatheon meadia)
11999331 - Queen Annes Lace
11999304 - Chrysogonum
11999030 - Blue Columbine
11999009 - Japanese Primrose
11998770 - Madagascar periwinkle
11998768 - Purple loosestrife
11998582 - Common Blue Violet (Viola papilionacea)
11998578 - Penstemon flower in sandstone crevice
11998573 - Red Clover
11998496 - Red Trillium
11820840 - Researcher in a greenhouse of poppies
11748072 - Opium poppy harvest
11586763 - Bulbinella latifolia
11585122 - Dactylorhiza praetermissa
11585098 - Ophrys tenthredinifera
11585054 - Soft Jurinea (Jurinea mollis)
11585034 - Verbascum sinuatum)
11585028 - Lamium garganicum
11584815 - Parry's Primrose (Primula parryi)
11584017 - Polypody fern (Polypodium vulgare)
11583993 - Fallopia aubertii
11581851 - Stachys alopecuros
11581797 - Asphodelus albus
11580829 - Anthemis montana
11572080 - Yellow asphodel flowers
11571668 - Spear Grass (Aciphylla pinnatifida)
11570731 - Trumpet Gentian (Gentiana dinarica)
11570692 - Fly Orchid (Ophrys insectifera)
11570675 - Wild Oat (Avena fatua)
11570462 - Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)
11567291 - Tetragonolobus maritimus
11566826 - Bird's nest orchid (Neottia nidus-avis)
11566821 - Anemone trifolia
11566142 - Brown Bluebell (Dipcadi serotina)
11564756 - Dusky Cranesbill (Geranium phaeum)
11564752 - Rock Valerian (Valeriana saxatilis)
11564739 - Caucasus Anemone (Anemone fasciculata)
11564736 - Pyrenean poppy (Papaver lapeyrousianum)
11564622 - Alpine mezereon (Daphne alpina)
11564469 - Swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum fuscatum)
11564137 - Orchids
11563711 - Roadside verge in spring
11562230 - Lousewort (Pedicularis petiolaris)
11562221 - Mediterranean Mallow (Lavatera olbia)
11562220 - Alpine Squill (Scilla bifolia)
11562197 - Thyme (Thymus longicaulis)
11562187 - Hairy Broom (Chamaecytisus hirsutus)
11562097 - Alpine Fleabane (Erigeron alpinus)
11562094 - Alpine Honeysuckle (Lonicera alpigena)
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