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Embolie Bilder ❘ Science Photo Library
12037197 - Cerebral Oedema,CT
11840194 - Blocked artery angiogram
11831445 - Rudolf Virchow,German pathologist
11567765 - Pulmonary clot causing a heart attack
11567761 - Pulmonary clot causing a heart attack
12379528 - Coagulation factor VIII molecule, illustration
12036889 - Renal Infarction,Angiogram
11960495 - Edoxaban anticoagulant drug molecule
12041304 - Pulmonary Embolism,Illustration
12037034 - Stroke,Left Hemisphere of Brain
11960497 - Edoxaban anticoagulant drug molecule
11840197 - Blocked artery angiogram
12379527 - Coagulation factor VIII molecule, illustration
12040702 - Thrombus and Embolus,Illustration
12037198 - Cerebral Oedema,CT
11840191 - Coloured angiogram of embolus blocking arm artery
11567764 - Pulmonary clot causing a heart attack
11567763 - Pulmonary clot causing a heart attack
12055449 - Tissue death following embolism
11840034 - Blood clot in the heart
12379524 - Coagulation factor VIII molecule, illustration
12041145 - Thrombosis,Illustration
12037032 - Stroke,Left Hemisphere of Brain
12036887 - Renal Infarction,Angiogram
12031323 - Venous Thromboembolism
11840195 - Blocked artery angiogram
11840160 - Ophthalmoscopy of retinal embolism in patient eye
11567762 - Pulmonary clot causing a heart attack
11840269 - Pulmonary artery blood clot
12022780 - Cerebrovascular Disease
11840319 - Pulmonary embolism,X-ray
11840264 - Blood clot in the lung
11838268 - Artwork of cerebral embolism,cause of stroke
11602816 - Development of an atheroma,artwork
11596117 - Blister on heel in aneurysm patient
11567760 - Pulmonary clot causing a heart attack
14166976 - Pulmonary emboli shower, illustration
11840190 - Coloured angiogram of embolus blocking arm artery
11596119 - Lesions on heel in aneurysm patient
11567766 - Pulmonary clot causing a heart attack
11840263 - Lung infarction
11629956 - Thrombosed blood vessel,artwork
11596118 - Blister on heel in aneurysm patient
11840329 - Liver cancer,CT scan
11840280 - Pulmonary artery blood clot
12098266 - Apixaban anticoagulant drug molecule
12023304 - Thrombus in Heart
11840036 - Blood clot in the heart
12098267 - Apixaban anticoagulant drug molecule
11961230 - Rivaroxaban anticoagulant drug molecule
11840330 - Liver cancer,CT scan
11960879 - Edoxaban anticoagulant drug molecule
11841552 - Bone death,X-ray
12098268 - Apixaban anticoagulant drug molecule
12022782 - Cerebrovascular Disease
11841550 - Bone death,X-ray
11840116 - Venogram showing deep vein emboli
11840035 - Blood clot in the heart
14167036 - Saddle embolus with lung infarction, illustration
14167027 - Heart anatomy, front, illustration
11841551 - Bone death,X-ray
11840193 - Artwork showing a pulmonary embolism
11840297 - Pulmonary embolism,X-ray
11840037 - Blood clot in the heart
11567767 - Pulmonary clot causing a heart attack
14167038 - Deep vein thrombosis, illustration
12022781 - Cerebrovascular Disease
11840262 - Vascular diseases
11840196 - Blocked artery angiogram
11839772 - LM myocardium showing calcified embolus in artery
11592134 - Stroke causes,artwork
14167028 - Pulmonary emboli shower, illustration
11840334 - Embolism
11840192 - Coloured angiogram of embolus blocking arm artery
12022875 - Popliteal Artery Embolism
11838229 - Cerebral vascular accident (CVA): embolism artwork
12022864 - Popliteal Artery Embolism
11840320 - Pulmonary embolism,X-ray
11567759 - Pulmonary clot causing a heart attack
11840317 - Pulmonary embolism,X-ray
12067807 - Arterial embolus
12067847 - Air Embolism
12004965 - SEM of Red Blood Cells
12023303 - Thrombus in Heart
11755528 - Doctor preparing an injection
12070361 - Artwork of a blood clot breaking up
12013555 - Thrombosis in Coronary Artery
14169158 - Embolism blood test
12000316 - Embolus
14169159 - Embolism blood test